Future Workshops and Programs



February:  a series of topics presented by three of our members. Lynn Genutis shares her expertise in                                                “Characteristics of Fabric,” Theresa Jackson shows us her skills in “Making Points Match,” and Kathy                          Roper shares her method of “Handcrafting Chenille.” 




March:  CRAFT MONTH…..Remember to be gathering up your personal craft-centered items for the March                          meeting. We will have the opportunity of sharing our “other than quilting” items with one another for                      our program. 






January Workshop:


The workshop to follow our meeting in January is being presented by one of our own members, Hattie Dunlap. Bring your lunch and join us just after the general meeting for creating fabric postcards.

Click here for more information.



May’s Workshop:  We will have a Members’ Trunk Show of “Quilts Made from Precuts”.