Laura Heine



April Program – Nancy Hutchison

Laura Heine is a nationally known, award winning fiber artist known for

her collage quilts.

Nancy Hutchison is a Laura Heine certified instructor for Laura’s amazing

collages. She will talk about collage quilts at our meeting and the workshop

the following day


Workshop:  April 5th.  We will be creating our own clever sewing machine collage.

Class fee: $55 ($25 pattern fee + $30 instructor fee)

Those who have registered for the class have been emailed the payment schedule and supplies needed for the day workshop.

Payment must be received by February 23.

In the pattern kit, you will receive all three of these patterns. We will work on one during the workshop.

Please visit Laura Heine’s website to take a closer look at the kind of low volume and fussy cut fabrics you will need from your stash.

